
Angular 2 Final Version Is Live - Resource: Start With Ngrx Tools

By Oren Farhi on Sep 15, 2016

It’s official - Angular version 2.0.0 is live. It’s been a long ride until the official announcement, and so until then, we had the chance to experiment with it, learn appropriate best practices and common solutions and sharing knowledge as a community.

I’ve started experimenting with Angular (+2) since the alpha versions. I started exploring its api even before by creating an npm module for writing an AngularJS component with Angular (+2) ES5 api.

However, I experimented with Angular (+2) in depth by embracing reactive programming with the rxjs patterns and the awesome ngrx project - and eventually shared my insights in my blog and on github.

Where can I start?

I recommend starting from the official getting started guide at angular.io.

There’s a huge list of resources at awesome-angular repository and another list on angular-education repository.

Aside from that, here is a list of articles that I wrote up until now.

Be sure to checkout my open source live project, Echoes Player - which I converted from AngularJS (production app) to Angular (+2).

Prepare Angular 1 Code To Angular (+2)

Convert Angular 1 Code To Angular (+2)

Adding Ngrx (Redux) To Angular (+2)

Common Practices

Hi there, I'm Oren Farhi

I'm an Experienced Software Engineer, Front End Tech Lead, focusing on Front End & Software Architecture and creating well formed applications.

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