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Oren Farhi

senior front end engineer / tech lead

Hi - I'm Oren Farhi. I'm an Experienced Software Engineer, Front End Tech Lead, focusing on Front End & Software Architecture and creating well formed applications.
I graduated with a BA in Computer Science & Business Management from the Open University.

I earned Software Engineering & Development skills by being self-driven and making things happen, experimenting, experience, open source some of my work,writingabout it and reading a lot.

In my work, I incorporate a 3 point perspective to software architecture while looking at a challenge with depth and entirety.
With my experience - i'm able to lead teams into taking a unique perspective, look up and move forward.

I believe in producing easy maintainable code for applications. I consult to companies and startups on how to approach code in their projects, keep it maintainable and focusing on delivering a high quality and well tested code.

When consulting and developing, I like to make a difference by following simple principles:

  • seeing the code as a live reactive system
  • implementing best practices of software architecture, creating modular & testable code
  • Understanding the big picture while breaking down complex problems to smaller challenges
  • keeping code and app structure organized to let other developers easily understand and further extend it.
  • Automating development with CI/CD utilizing Github Actions
My Achievements

ReadM empowers teachers by providing an automated smart assessment tool for monitoring students' reading fluency (K-4th and ESL/ELL's students), while providing live reports with up to date insights.

Mobile & Web App Development

A YouTube™ Alternative Web App Media Player (Made With Angular, Open Source, PWA)

echoes ui

Learn to harness the power of reactive programming with RxJS and ngrx

book cover angular and ngrx

My most popular npm module - npm downloads a monthtotal npm downloads until today(UsedBy Google Microsoft Amazon Disney and others)

© 2024, Built by Oren Farhi